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Sarajevo Street View
by Rutmap


The new version of Rutmapa is a tourist interactive map with a more detailed virtual view of streets and buildings of economic, cultural and tourist significance. Platform makers, trying to enable the automation of street view shooting activities, decided to use an innovative approach to combining footage from the vehicle and the already used airborne or walking method.

The vehicle was introduced today, where the team will give media statements to get the public familiar with all the activities and novelties for map users. "Rutmobil" will facilitate the recording of all corners of Sarajevo and also represents the first street view of the entire city.

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The Rutmap team, which launched the new beta platform of the tourist interactive map of Sarajevo at the beginning of the year "Rutmap", introduced the branded Rutmap vehicle.

  • Client BetaTelStudio ltd.
  • Date 24 May 2018
  • Skills Design, HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Ajax, jQuery
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